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Sunday, July 17, 2011

CV /curcullum vitae/

Шинээр ажил орох болон өөрийн танилцуулга өгөх, тэтгэлэг авах зэрэгт CV /curcullum vitae/ зайлшгүй шаардлагатай байдаг билээ. Тиймээс дараах загварыг нийтлэж байна. Та бүхэн хэн ч харсан хэн бэ? гэдгийг чинь харж болохоор өөрийгөө илэрийлэхүйц CV-тэй болоорой. Египт профессорын CV-г загвар болгон орууллаа.


July, 2005

Name                                                  : Ebrahiem Esmail Ebrahiem
Date Of Birth                                     : 23 June 1959
Nationality                                         : Egyptian
Status                                                  : Married with three Child
Busines Address                                : Department of Chemical Engineering
                                                              El-Minia University
                                                              Faculty of Engineering, El-Minia, Egypt.
Telephone                                           Egypt              +20-86-2342008
                                                                                   +20-86-2364510        Work
Mobile           +2-0101996764
Fax                                                      Egypt              +20-86-2346674        Work
                                                                                                    +20-86-2342601         Work
Email                                                 Ebr_Esmail_2004@Yahoo.com
 Language                                          : Arabic, English, Germany
Religion                                              : Muslim
Education :-                                      B. Sc. Chem. Eng., 1982 (with Distinction grade),
                                    Faculty of Eng., El-Minia University, Egypt.
- M. Sc. Chem. Eng., 1986
                                                           Faculty of Eng., El-Minia University, Egypt.
                                                         - Ph. D. Chem. Eng., 1992
                                                            Mersburg, Germany                                        .
Present Position:                                Professor, since July, 2005. 
                                                            Dept of Chemical and Engineering
                                                           Faculty of Engineering, El-Minia  University,
                                                           El-Minia, Egypt.
Previous Position               :  Associate  Professor, From 1999 until 2005
                                               Lecturer, 1992 – 1999
                                                Assistant Lecturer 1986-1992
                                                Researcher 1982-1986
                                                            Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
                       Faculty of Engineering
                       El-Minia UniversityEl-Minia, Egypt.
Professional Association:-             The Egyptian Association of Chemical Engineers,
                                                        Cairo, Egypt.

Teaching Experience :
Undergraduate courses:
Fundamental of Chemical Engineering, Applied Physical Chemistry, Heat Transfer, mass transfer, Mathematical Modeling & simulation, Engineering Chemistry, Computer programming, Computer Application on chemical Engineering, Kinetic, Reactor Design, Thermodynamic, Unit Operation Lab. I & II, Chemical Industries, Thermodynamic, Separation Processes, Project.

Postgraduate courses:
Modeling and simulation, Computer Application on chemical Engineering, Reactor Design, Advanced Thermodynamic, Advanced Mass Transfer, Experimental Design and Analysis, Advanced Separation Processes, Boundary Layer, Adsorption Technique.
Grants:                      - Five Years at Mersburg High Technical SchoolGermany     for studying, teaching and researching Ph. D. thesis. Directed by Prof. D. Lempe, Dept. of Unit Operation, and Chemical Engineering.
Consulting                             - project planning and implementation as university working tem in the environmental evaluation office that evaluates and studies of the different effects of the small projects on the environment and offering the promotion required
-  Consulting groups in the faculty of engineering Consulting units       
Research Experience:
1984-1986             A THERMODYNAMIC STUDY FOR SOLVENT EXTRACTION PROCESSES, M. Sc. project supervised by Prof. Dr Mamdouh Nassar, Faculty of Engineering, El-Minia University, Egypt.. and Prof. Dr Ibrahim A. Salim, Faculty of Eng., Alex University, Egypt.
1987-1992             BEVERTUNG VON MEHRSTUFIGEN FLUESSIGKEITS -FLUESSIGKEITS-GLEICHGEWICHTEN ZUR BEWERTUNG VON EXTRAKTIONSPROZESSEN"  Ph.D. supervised by Prof. Dieter Lempe, Chemical Engineering, High Technical University, Merseburg, Germany.
1992-2003         Research program can be summarized into the following:
i)               Thermodynamic and Mass transfer processes during the extraction of essential oil.
ii)             Studying and evaluation of different thermodynamic parameters for the separation processes,
iii)           Modeling of Equilibrium Data and equation of state.
iv)           The removal of pollutants from effluent using low cost adsorbents
v)             Development of single resistance mass transfer models for the adsorption of pollutants onto low cost adsorbents.
vi)           Development and application of two resistance mass transfer models for predicting concentration-time data in batch and fixed bed adsorption systems.
vii)         Development of design models for fixed bed column studies.
viii)       Modeling and simulation.                   

Reference                                       Prof. Mamdouh M. Nassar,
                                                        Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
                                                        Faculty of Engineering,
                                                        El-Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt.
Prof. Ibrahim Hamed Mahmoud,
Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
El-Minia University, El-Minia, Egypt.
                                                        Prof . Ibrahim A. Salim,
                                                        Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
                                                        Faculty of Engineering,
                                                        Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
                                                      Prof. Ibrahiem  Ashour
                                                        Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering,
                                                        Faculty of Engineering,
                                                        UAE University, UAE.
                                           Engineering Chemistry
1-  Ebrahiem, E. E.; Mansour, I.A.S.; Fadali, O. A. and Nassar, M. M.; "A Thermodynamic Study of the Solvent Extraction of proton Ionization of the -ethoxyanalinium ion", Minia First Energy Conference, El Mini City , Egypt, (1988).
2-  Ebrahiem, E. E.; Lempe, D. A. and Hradatzky, G.; "Extraction Process Calculation for the Evaluation of Selective Solvent", 11 IUPAC, Como. Itly, (1990).
3-  Ebrahiem, E. E. and Ibrahiem A. Ashour; “PHASE EQUILIBRIUM FOR NONVOLATILES USING EQUATION OF STATE: THE EFFECT OF SOLUTE – SOLUTE INTERACTION ON THE CALCULATION”, Pulletin of the faculty Engineering & Technology, Minia University, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp.286-311 (1993).
4- Ebrahiem, E. E.; Ashour, I. and Aly, G.; “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DIFFERENT EQUATION OF STATE FOR THE PREDICTION OF BINARY SOLID-SUPERCRITICAL FLUID”, Egyptian-Syrian 1st. Congress, Suez City, Egypt,   2-5 Oct., pp. 612-631 (1995).
5-  Ebrahiem, E. E.; Ibrahim, H. Aly; Amin, T. A. Ossman; and Hassanien, S.;  “A KINETIC STUDY ON THE OXIDATION RESISTANCE OF STEEL AFTER DIFFUSION COTING WITH ALUMINIUM AND SILICON POWD”, Pulletin of the faculty Engineering & Technology, Minia University, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.286-311 (1995).
6-  Ebrahiem, E. E.; Ashour, I.; Khattab, I. A. and Mohey-El-Dean, A. M.; “EFFECT OF MINIMIZATION ROUTINES ON THE PREDICTION ACCURACY OF THE EQUATION OF STATE “, A.M.S.E, Modeling, Measurement & Control, Vol. 57, No. 1, 2, (1998).
7- Ebrahiem, E. E.; “SOLVENT EXTRACTION OF NIGELLA SATIVA OIL FROM BLACK SEED”, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. D35-D42, March (1998).
8-  Ebrahiem, E. E.; Aly, I. H.; Nofal, A. A.; Ahmed, F. M. and Omran, A.M.; “PREPARATION OF Al-Si ALLOYS USING SODIUM –FLUOSILICATE AND MOLTEN ALUMINIUM“, Metall, 52, Jahrgang Nr. 9, pp. 1-4 (1998).
9- Ebrahiem, E. E.; and Ashour, I; “A MODIFIED PERTURBUED HARD-SPHERE EQUATION USING SOAVE’S ATTRACTIVE TERM”, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. D1-D15, (1999).
10-  Ebrahiem, E. E. and Magdy, Y. H.; ”EUILIBRIUM STUDIES DURING ADSORPTION OF BASIC DYE FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS USING DIFFERENT ADSORBENTS MATERIALES”, The First Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends in Engineering, MICATE "99", Minia (14-16) March (1999).
11-  Ebrahiem, E. E.; El-Bassuoni, A. A.  and Ahmed, A. M.; “SULFUR, NICKEL AND VANADIUM REMOVAL FROM HEAVY PETROLEUM RESIDUES”, The First Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends in Engineering, MICATE "99", Minia (14-16) March (1999).
13-  Ebrahiem, E. E.; Aly, I. H.; Kesba, M. M. and Mokhtar, E.; ”CORROSION RESISTANCE OF ALUMINIZED STEEL IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS“,First Symposium on Heat Treatment of Metal & Alloys, iHT 2001, Cairo, 3-5 Novem., (2001).
14-  Ebrahiem, E. E.; Aly, I. H.; Elshayeb, M.M and Amer I. Eid, “FACTORS AFFECTING THE STABILITY OF ENAMEL COATING ON STEEL”, The Egyptian Journal for Engineering Sciences and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan. (2002).
15-  Ebrahiem, E. E. and Osama, M. M., “AN INVESTIGATIION OF EXTRACTED AGRICULTURE-FIBERS FOR CONCRETE PROPERTIES IMPROVEMENT”, The Eypgtian Journal for Engineering Sciences and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan. (2002).
16-   Ebrahiem, E. E. Nassar, M. M.; Daifullah, A. A. and Magdy, Y. H.,  “UPTAKE OF CATIONIC DYES BY CEMENT KILN DUST: SORPTION MECHANISUM AND EQUILIBRIUM ISOTHERM“,Adsorption Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No. 7, (2002).
17-  Ebrahiem, E.E; Ibrahim H. Aly, Noval, A. A. and Omran, A. M.; “DISSOLUTION KINETICS OF SILICON-CONTAINING SODIUM FLUOSILICATE IN STIRRED TANK BATH OF MOLTEN ALUMINIUM”, Light Metal, 131st TMS, Annual Meeting Seattle, Washington, February, 17-21, (2002). 
18-  Ebrahiem, E.E;AN INVESTIGATION ON SOLVENT EXTRACTION OF OIL FROM EGYPTIAN OIL-SHALE”; Alex. Eng. Journal, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 581-586, (2002).
19-  Ebrahiem, E.E.; Aly, I. H.; Bastawesey, A. M.; Hashem, M. A. and Abdelmonem, R.; “DIRECT REDUCTION OF IRON ORE FINES BY OIL SHALE FINES The Second Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends in Engineering, MICATE "2002", Minia (7-9) April (2002).
20-  Ebrahiem, E.E. and Ibrahim Ashour ; “A DEVELPOED PERTURBED HARD SPHERE EQUATION USING VAN DER WAAL'S ATTRACTIVE PART (AEMA-EOS)”, Pulletin of the faculty Engineering, Minia University, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp.124-134 (2003).
21- Ebrahiem, E.E; Nassar, M. M.; Ewida, K. T.; Magdy, Y. H. and Mheady, M. H.; “ADSORPTION OF IRON AND MANGANESE USING LOW COST MATERIAL AS ADSORBENT “, J. of Environ. Sci. and Health, A39, 2, p. 465 (2004).
22- Ebrahiem, E. E.; Nassar, M. M.; Kamal T. A.; Magdy, Y. H. and Mansour, H. M.; "Fixed Bed Adsorption For Removal of Iron and Manganese onto Palm Fruit Bunch and Maize Cub", J. Adsorption Sci. & Tech., Vol. 22: (22), pp. 25-38 (2004).
23- Ebrahiem, E.E.; Fadali, O. A.; Magdy, Y. H. ; Daifullah, A. A. and Nassar, M. M.; “REMOVAL OF CHROMUM FROM TANNERY EFFLUENTS BY ADSORPTION “,J. Adsorption Sci. & Tech., Vol. 22: (45), pp. 12-18 (2004).
24-  Ebrahiem E. Ebrahiem, Mamdouh M. Nassar, A. M. El-kersh, Mohamed S. Mahmoud Diffusion Controlled Corrosion of Agitated Vessels of Different Geometries, Under press in conference in Cairo 2008.
25-  Ebrahiem E. Ebrahiem, Mamdouh M. Nassar·, Nawaf M. Al Mutairi:  Mass Transfer at Different Impellers of Rectangular -Vessel in Presence of Suspended Solids and Drag Reducing Polymer, Under press in conference in Cairo 2008.
There about another eight Articls in Press

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